The Three Biggest Threats When Working Remotely

The ability for employees to work away from the office has introduced a whole new level of productivity for businesses today. Software-as-a-service solutions have practically made idle downtime obsolete. Being able to answer emails while waiting on a client at the local coffee shop or running a sales report while waiting on the next flight have undoubtedly given connected companies an edge over their competitors.

But being able to work anywhere anytime comes with added responsibility when it comes to security. Remote workers need to be hyper-vigilant when out in public – or even when working from home. It’s important to remember that where you go, your devices go. And where your devices go, your company’s information goes.

The three biggest threats when working remotely are:

Shoulder Surfers. When remotely accessing sensitive date of any kind, be sure no one is looking over your shoulder or spying on your screen.

Thieves. Not just cybercriminals, but real, in-person thieves. You should NEVER leave your smartphone, laptop or tablet out of your sight even for a second.

Public Wi-Fi. Perhaps the biggest threat, public Wi-Fi invites a host of cyber domain security issues. Avoid accessing or sending any sensitive information when connected to public networks unless you know how to do so securely and within company policy guidelines.

5 Non-Technical Ways to Stay Safe While Working Remotely

Use a VPN. When connecting to a public network, use a virtual private network (VPN) which will encrypt your connection and make it nearly impossible for a criminal to hijack your information. While VPN might sound technical, most today are a “one-click” or automatic app.

Be Discreet. If you’re in a public setting and conducting private business, make sure no one can overhear your discussions or spy on your screen. Be aware of your surroundings and of who might be lurking at the table next to you.

Get a Privacy Screen Cover. A privacy screen cover adds another layer of security. These require you to be in direct, center of the screen in order to view it. Anyone to the left, right, above or below will not be able to view your phone, laptop or tablet.

Keep Track of Inventory. Especially when traveling, keep all devices (and anything with sensitive information) on your person or in your sight at all times. Never trust a stranger to watch your belongings if you need to step away.

Avoid Using Removable Storage. USB flash drives and other external storage devices, while easy to use and convenient, are equally easy to lose and easy to steal. If you must use them, be sure to encrypt and password protect them.

If you would like more information on how to keep your company safe from the bad guys, visit or call us at 678-745-5109 and let us show you what fast, friendly, reliable IT support looks like.

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