Does Your IT Services Provider in Atlanta Speak Jargon?

If your IT services Atlanta company speaks in overly convoluted tech-speak, it should raise some red flags. You deserve to be spoken to in layman’s terms that don’t require a degree in a technical field to understand. Otherwise, your IT provider might be attempting to pull the wool over your eyes and make you think they’re doing complex work when the reality might be exactly the opposite.

Don’t Be Impressed by Technical Jargon

An IT services Atlanta company that makes use of complex tech terms when speaking to you, the client, might have ulterior motives. Some use such language to impress clients, while others know well that most clients don’t know what such terms mean so they can make it seem as though they’re tackling overly difficult problems. The truth might be that these IT specialists are actually taking on fairly simple tasks and describing them in a manner that makes them seem extremely difficult.

You Deserve Straightforward Communication

Don’t lose sight of the fact that you’re paying your IT partner for services. As a result, you should be spoken to in plain, easy-to-understand terms. Don’t accept anything less! Tech jargon only serves to widen the gap between tech geeks and clients. If your IT partners use tech-speak, there’s a good chance they lack adequate communication skills, are attempting to conceal the true nature of their work, or want to keep you in the dark as to what your IT challenges really involve. Such tech-speak has the potential to backfire in a massive way.

Consider a situation in which a help desk operator doesn’t communicate with simple terms. His tech-speak misleads someone at your office to the point that they make a costly mistake. Don’t let this happen! Ally with straightforward IT experts and you’ll rest easy knowing your partner is completely transparent and straight to the point when it comes to all things IT-related.

Don’t Assume All It Providers Use Tech-Speak

Some people think every IT provider is staffed with techies who aren’t capable of communicating in layman’s terms. The truth is that there really are IT providers out there who don’t rely on technical jargon to communicate. Some IT gurus have excellent customer service skills and go out of their way to communicate in easily understandable terms.

True IT professionals understand that there’s a time and place for tech jargon. They use tech-speak during conversations with their colleagues and communicate with words that client can understand when explaining their approach to IT problem-solving.

The Managed IT Services Provider You Have Been Looking For

Your IT services Atlanta partner should make a concerted effort to break down complex challenges and technologies in terms you can easily understand. After all, your primary focus is on serving your customers and staying deep in the black. You shouldn’t have to learn tech lingo to boot. Lean on MIS Solutions Inc., for your IT challenges. We handle everything, from cloud computing to network design, help desk support and beyond. If you have any sort of problem or concern about your company’s IT-related technology, you can reach out to us regarding how we’ll communicate the appropriate solution. Contact us today to learn more about how we can solve your IT challenges.

Schedule a free 15-minute discovery call
We’ll discuss your IT requirements and assess whether we’re the right fit for you.


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