Atlanta Managed IT Services Advice: Look for Storytellers When Hiring Sales People!

Natural Born Storytellers

Managed IT services in Atlanta may not be the easiest possible thing to sell, but they certainly have substantial advantages over other areas of selling.

Ever heard of Jerry Clower? He became a unique kind of stand-up comedian who primarily told hilarious stories as a means of advancing a given moral, concept or idea. Now, Clower didn’t start out as a comedian. He wasn’t initially a comic persona, but he was always funny and did use humor as a tool in his daily life. How did he do this? Clower, a good ol’ boy from the South, sold fertilizer for Mississippi Chemical in the 1950s. He literally sold one of the least salable substances on the planet. No wonder he became such an apt storyteller that a record company took notice and gave him an album! How else could he sell what he needed to? He had to push beyond traditional selling techniques and reach people at a core level. He had to make a connection. He had to be true, truly transcending that which he sold.

Finding Salesmen Who Properly Represent You

Managed IT services in Atlanta are certainly going to be an easier sell than fertilizer in most aspects. However, that doesn’t mean you can skimp on salespeople. You want individuals who have the ability to connect, and one of the best ways to connect is through the telling of a story. Now, it’s true that funny stories are a little bit more valuable, at least as far as sales are concerned, than non-humorous anecdotes. But don’t immediately dismiss a salesman just because they aren’t funny. There are definitely stories of a non-humorous nature which can serve to sell your product, especially pertaining to viruses and virus protection online.

What you’re looking for are stories that will actually hit home and make a positive impact. The right kind of selling personality can tell such stories while including illustrations analogous to those which represent clients. You really want to identify this kind of quality in an individual before you hire them. Have them tell you some stories, but it’s better if they have enough self-confidence to simply launch into the right kind of tale all on their own.

Other Considerations

Certainly, being able to tell a story isn’t the only thing which qualifies or disqualifies an individual as a skilled selling personality. There are many different ways to skin the selling cat, but storytelling is a great indicator of proficiency, personable presentation and charisma. You’ve probably heard it said that a salesman doesn’t so much sell a product as he sells himself. This is definitely true to some extent. Granted, product knowledge is integral, but being able to convey friendship and trustworthiness in a way that’s almost unconscious puts prospective clients in a positive frame of mind conducive to the cooperation of closure.

When you’re in the market for managed IT services in Atlanta, look at the salesmen. Can they tell stories? Are they personable, charismatic, and knowledgeable regarding products?

We at MIS Solutions, Inc. offer talented salespeople and consultation. Our additional services include:

• Cloud Computing
• IT Projects and Consultation
• Network Design
• Backup and Recovery
• Managed Security

…as well as many other things. Contact us for reputable, talented, effective services in the tech industry.

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