Backup and Data Recovery Requirements
IT services in Alpharetta should have an altruistic quality to them, which predicates honesty in salesmanship. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case— and you can blame human beings for it. There are many salespeople whose only thought in obtaining new clients is increasing revenue. As a result, they’ll “sell” clients by telling them that anything they need is already covered under Managed Service Agreement (MSA). So the potential client signs on the dotted line only to find— surprise surprise!— one of the most integral quotients of operations has not been included in the MSA, and that is disaster recovery/data backup. In order to acquire these services, they have to pay extra to the IT support provider with whom they signed on the dotted line earlier.
They were told the MSA included everything, but it didn’t, and now the client must pay more. This would usually cause a break in service, but after someone has “signed on the dotted line,” ending a contract can only be done through some manner of exit clause that often incorporates a fee.
Escaping Underhanded Business
IT services in Alpharetta should provide a flat fee to clients, which includes all the necessary features and doesn’t result in any surprises when there’s a system’s failure or other tech-related problems. Backup and Data Recovery (BDR) should be bundled into such agreement from the get-go.
Anyone who has been in the IT industry for quite some time now realizes the integral nature behind BDR services. The question in this area is never “if,” it’s always “when.” Systems crash— they’re inevitable and delicate. This is something to be expected, and the right technology provider simply understands as much and works with clients to provide the greatest comprehensive services at an actionable and realistic price.
Features Silhouetting Trustworthy IT service
Some of the things you can look for in a worthwhile IT provider include:
• Cloud Computing Solutions
• Managed Services
• Fast Help Desk Support
• IT Consultation
• Varying IT Projects
• Design of Networks
• BDR Services Covered From The Outset
• Managed Security
• Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Solutions
Cloud computing options provide seamless BDR solutions in addition to mobile work access and much more. Managed services in general are something to expect from a cogent IT company, as well as a help desk that doesn’t make you wait until the cows come home for service. IT consultation should be available when you’re looking to branch into new technologies on-site, or before you even acquire the services of a given IT group. Solid consultation works as a form of self-advertisement. You’re going to need assistance with varying IT projects, so this also isn’t a feature of services without the ken of a cogent IT provider. These projects will often incorporate network design, which will require managed security. Lastly, conventional telephone arrangements are quickly being outmoded as more affordable options like VoIP become available, so you should expect the right IT group to have experience in such areas as well.
Top-Tier Services
IT services in Alpharetta should provide you top-tier support at predictable prices, and that’s exactly what we at MIS Solutions, Inc. seek to do. We provide a flat rate for services that include BDR solutions from the get-go, as well as all the services outlined above and more.