Meet Yogi, Our Pet of the Month

My name is Yogi!  My mom, Debbie Copeland of Preferred Aviation Underwriters, thought Yogi was the perfect name for me.  I am a Yorkinese, which means that I am part Yorkshire Terrier and part Pekinese.  I am almost 2-years-old and I have lived with my mom and dad since I was only 9-weeks-old. I also have a fur brother, Tucker, who is my very best friend.

My mom works from home, so Tuck and I get to “go to work” with her every day!  My favorite thing to do is to bite Tucker in the butt and watch him jump.  I play with Tucker all day long.  My mom and dad both think I am very smart and rotten to the core.  I’m not much of a barker, but I do like to “talk” all day long.  And thanks to me, my mom doesn’t need an alarm clock.  Somehow, I just know what time she needs to get up.  I get in her face and do my little talking/howling thing until she’s had enough. That’s how I get her out of bed.

Tucker says the best thing about me is that I like to play all day long –  nonstop.  The very first day I got to my new home, I was chasing Tucker – he was a little taken aback!  I immediately tried my signature move on him (biting him in the rear).  He jumped and ran.  I thought it was so funny that I still do it every day.  Tucker hates it.

Tucker and I both were rescued from the Humane Society of Forsyth County, Ga. My mom was not looking for another dog, but when she saw my picture, she called within five minutes and put a hold on me. She thinks we are the most special dogs in the whole wide world!

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