Get to Know Ron Walton, Data Center Technology Manager

Ron is one of the newer members of our team having joined MIS in July this year. Prior to coming onboard, he served for 24 years in the U.S. Navy. After leaving the military, Ron worked as a construction manager before moving into the area of technical support for several private firms.

Where did you grow up?

Small town outside of St. Louis (Illinois side) called Pontoon Beach

Tell me about your family…spouse, kids, pets?

I have an adopted daughter named Bella from Romania.

Ron and Bella

What is your favorite food?

Grilled medium rare rib eye with a loaded baked potato

What is your favorite vacation spot and why?

Anywhere in the mountains because of the crisp air and good views.

What’s on your bucket list?

To fish for trout in Patagonia

Ron camping

What’s your favorite playlist right now and why?

Big band swing right now, but it really depends on the day and what I’m doing, Classic Rock, Southern Rock, Bluegrass and Mozart are all represented.

What’s the craziest/funniest/most outrageous thing you’ve ever witnessed/done?

Tested a reserve parachute by cutting away from the main chute — not a recommended testing technique.

Do you have any hobbies?

I have lots of hobbies; just have not started any of them.

If you could go to lunch with someone famous, who would it be and why?

Ben Franklin, because he has so many good quotes. I would like to pick his brain.

What is something most people don’t know about you?

I’m not as tough as I look.

Ron and his motorcycle

What is one thing you avoid like the plague?

Crowds. If I have to wait in line then I will go without.

Favorite quote?

“If you’re going to be stupid, you better be tough” — John Wayne

Who is your favorite sports team(s)?

St. Louis Blues hockey, St. Louis Cardinals baseball and Oregon State Beavers baseball

What has been your greatest accomplishment in life so far?

Surviving as long as I have. I’ve done a lot in my life, failed a lot and always got back up. I think my greatest accomplishment is dusting myself off and trying again.

What did you do before joining MIS?

Software support, construction, supply boat captain for an oil company, US Naval Officer

Ron in Navy uniform

Tell us a little bit about what you do each day in your job.

Wrangling cats is the first thing I think of. I manage a team of super smart independent people. They are literally spread out across the globe. I spend most of my time communicating with them just to keep up. Technically, I manage all aspects of maintaining a reliable cloud environment and its associated data center so our clients can go about their daily business.

What do you like best about working at MIS?

There are so many ways to answer this question. The culture is awesome. I’m surrounded by high-quality supportive people and I am backed up by a great team of phenomenal engineers. I also enjoy the full support of my boss. The work is challenging and rewarding. What else could I ask for?

What do you like to do for fun outside of work?

I enjoy everything outside of work. It is easy for me to have fun. I suppose riding  my motorcycle, spending time in the woods at a hunting or fishing camp, hacking up a round of golf or just hanging out and having a few with my buddies.

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