The BYOD Factor
IT support providers in Atlanta have helped many clients find their BYOD “legs”, as it were, in terms of operational infrastructure. There’s a vast need for Bring Your Own Device and related decentralized infrastructure owing to the cloud and its exceptionally beneficial impact on businesses large and small.
Managing Mobile Devices on the Cloud
Still, when it comes to mobile devices on the cloud, there are some security idiosyncrasies that demand optimized best practices. Following, we’ll cover a few of them to help you most effectively utilize this tech innovation:
- Incorporate Effective MDM
- Monitor Cloud Data, Establish Data Management Protocols
- Carefully Manage Email and Train Staff Appropriately
Incorporate Effective MDM
Mobile Device Management, or MDM, makes it possible for you to remotely monitor and manage devices that aren’t at the physical location of your business. You can shut them down, boot them up, upgrade them, or banish them from the network. This is fundamentally necessary not only for security reasons, but for productivity: you can more efficiently keep everyone on the same page.
Monitor Cloud Data, Establish Data Management Protocols
Certain businesses tend to be behind the trends when it comes to cloud implementation. Some enterprises are just so large that making the switch isn’t feasible until after the next tech iteration has hit.
Some organizations are just generally behind owing to budget or politics–like government groups and healthcare facilities. It’s essential to use things like MDM to manage devices, but you need to monitor data movement internally as well. Determining clear protocols is best done through the auspices of professional consultation with a tech agency.
Carefully Manage Email and Train Staff Appropriately
IT support providers in Atlanta advocate careful training of staff. The majority of cyber threats are internally initiated either through user error, deliberate transgression of best practices, ignorance, or outright corporate espionage. Clear data management protocols help reduce this, but you’ll need to continuously educate your personnel as the tech goal posts are in constant motion.
New tech iterations develop about every eighteen months, so it makes sense to have at least one refresher course during that time; it’s better to have something biannually if you can manage it. Exterior support options can be key in helping you find your digital footing here. Google recently unveiled a pretty competitive quantum computer, so big changes are definitely on the near horizon. Especially as regards email, taught security is fundamental–many security threats come through your inbox.
Making Cloud Infrastructure More Secure
An IT support provider in Atlanta like MIS Solutions, Inc. can help you carefully manage email, train staff, monitor cloud computing, establish clear cloud data protocols, and institute effective MDM. Contact us now for more information on the cloud and how best to secure your data there.