Strengthening Security with Firewalls and IT Services in Atlanta

As hackers become savvier, it’s important for your IT services provider in Atlanta to counter them with strong security. Cyberattacks are no longer random or rare, as they now strike businesses or individuals every minute. One of the most reliable defenses against these intruders is a firewall. What Firewalls Do As the name suggests, firewalls […]

How IT Support Firms in Atlanta Provide Comprehensive Data Security

IT support firms in Atlanta will provide more successful security than internal solutions can— except provided your business has the resources to essentially initiate your own MSP. For SMBs, that’s just not going to be the case. Even larger corporations would find such a proposition expensive. But, to have comprehensive data security, it’s integral you […]

IT Support in Atlanta: The Difference Between a Backup Disaster Recovery and a Business Continuity Plan

Understanding the difference between backup disaster recovery and business continuity planning is essential for any company in today’s work environment. Here’s an explanation from IT support experts in Atlanta about the main differences between these important IT services that can save your business from experiencing any lengthy downtime: Backup Disaster Recovery A backup disaster recovery […]

3 Easy ways to protect your business data

Most business owners are too busy running their respective offices to be concerned about optimized security settings and other technical matters. To spare them the agony of deciphering IT jargon, here are three easy ways to prevent data theft.  Cover your webcam If Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, former FBI Director James Comey, and National Security […]

IT Services in Atlanta: Small Business and Cyber Attacks

Businesses today are at great risk to cyber attacks. Initially, it was large multinational financial institutions that were the prime target. These days, the tables have changed, and it doesn’t matter as much how big your business is and what industry you are in. In fact, half of all cyber attacks happen to small businesses. […]

How Better IT Support in Atlanta Can Improve Medical Services

Healthcare workers should not have to master the nuances of technology to do their work. However, we live in a high-tech era in which just about every job requires the use of technology. Those who work in the medical field are especially likely to benefit from improved IT support in Atlanta. The Proper Data Management […]

How to Secure Your Collaboration Tools with IT Support in Atlanta

A number of collaboration tools have emerged as quite the helpful means of connecting employees, clients, and other relevant parties from afar. If you are uncertain as to which is ideal for your unique organization, our IT support team in Atlanta will help you select the perfect one. As an example, Microsoft’s Teams Chat empowers […]

Change old modes of thinking when migrating to the cloud

Not every business owner who migrates to the cloud achieves great results. As much as the service is touted with words like “freedom,” “productivity,” and “collaboration,” realizing the full benefits of the cloud is not a given. So if you’re thinking about transitioning to the cloud, how can you ensure you optimize the technology for your business? Well, it all starts with your attitude before migration. Here are some mental shifts you should make before getting started.

Why You Should Consider IT Services in Atlanta to Improve Your Business Security

IT services in Atlanta can be an essential component in reducing operational expenses while increasing operational viability. No matter how well-informed your internal professionals are, they can’t give you an exterior perspective. That will never change, regardless of your operation’s size. Meanwhile, an Atlanta IT support provider can clearly determine security risks from without that […]