Instituting a Virtualization Management Solution Through IT Support in Atlanta

Benefits and Considerations

IT support providers in Atlanta can help you institute virtualized environments, either internally or via cloud computing. Virtualization can ease complication in an infrastructural way, and it can expedite operations. But if your virtualized solutions are going to bring you the success you seek, you’ve got to manage them carefully. This can certainly be done internally, but it will cost more and not be as qualitative as a similarly managed solution through an MSP. Three areas you need to focus on as you go about establishing sustainable virtualization solutions, and which an MSP is integral in helping you to effect, include:

  • Ensuring comprehensive backup
  • Effective but usable security
  • Proactive monitoring

Ensuring Comprehensive Backup

IT support providers in Atlanta advise a number of protocols in terms of backup strategies. For one, you want to have multiple backups in multiple locations on multiple media. That means— your virtualized environments should be backed up, perhaps, on the cloud and on another server–or even on a USB, if the data will fit. Depending on your organization, its scope, and your use of virtualized environments, you’re going to need more or less storage. Establish that which must be preserved, and institute redundant backups.

Effective but Usable Security

Access to virtualized environments must be strictly controlled, but it can’t be so strictly controlled as to reduce profitability or efficiency. One way to strike a balance here is to establish a system of password rotation and password management. An MSP can be an integral part of such a strategy. It all depends on your needs and what level of confidentiality silhouettes operations.

Proactive Monitoring

This is an integral part of security but functions as its own entity to a degree. You need to have monitoring that is proactive, not reactive. You should always be keeping an eye on virtualized environments to ensure that no underhanded malware has compromised operations. Such malware has the propensity to jump between virtualized environments if lax security or ineffective monitoring allows it to do so. But such instances are avoidable through cutting-edge monitoring protocols which recognize and act on anomalous behavior. Internal solutions can do this, but it will keep them from accomplishing other duties. An external, managed solution is often the best choice for monitoring as a result.

Building More Sustainable Virtualized Environments

IT support in Atlanta through MIS Solutions, Inc. can help your company maintain the best virtual environments either on servers or the cloud and most effectively manage them in terms of security, monitoring, and backup solutions. Contact us now to learn more about virtualized environments.

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