IT services providers in Atlanta always advise clients to have strong, redundantly-supported data backup solutions. In technology, the question of data loss is a matter of “when”, not “if”. You are going to have a system crash at some point, just like your car will get a dead battery or, at some point in your life, you’ll need to deal with a flat tire. If you’ve got a reserve battery, jumper cables, a jump kit, or a spare tire, then should something happen to your mode of transit, you’re only mildly inconvenienced and can still get to your destination. If you don’t have these things, then should something knock you off course, you may end up stuck there. It’s much the same in business.
Even the most carefully managed business will come against tech issues in the fullness of time. So, be prepared. There are three primary areas of optimization that you can pursue right now for greater security in terms of backup solutions:
Appropriate Redundancy
IT services providers in Atlanta can help you attain the right levels of redundancy in terms of backups. If you’re unfamiliar, backup redundancy basically means you’ve got more than one backup available should something happen. It’s best to have at least three.
Regularly Backing Up Data
Infinite redundancy can’t protect your data if you haven’t been diligent to effect regular backups. You need to back up your system at least once a month. It’s better to do it once a week, it’s even better to do it daily and it’s best to backup data after every new change added to the network. Through solutions like cloud computing, backup solutions of this nigh-continuous kind can be sourced which don’t impact operations negatively.
Backups in More Than One Location
There’s a rule of thumb in terms of backups called the 3-2-1 rule. You want at least three backups on at least two kinds of media, and one backup should be in a location that isn’t your primary operational center. Should some disaster knock out your backups on-site, if you’ve got an off-site solution, you can reload from that once you get the disaster’s fallout rectified.
IT services in Atlanta through MIS Solutions, Inc. can help you streamline your backup solutions while ensuring they are properly comprehensive to protect you when the unexpected knocks your business off course. We offer tech and security solutions, and we can help you change operations through consultation. For better, more reliable and sustainable security, please feel free to contact us.