How IT Services In Atlanta Can Help Cut Costs and Expand Productivity via BYOD Facilitation

IT services providers in Atlanta have begun to incorporate cloud-based models of operation that “float” offices. What they do is design a Desktop as a Service (DaaS) solution that makes it possible for anyone to access the network, provided they have proper authorization. This means being at home, on the go or on the physical premises of the business doesn’t matter to productivity for most areas of operation. This is called Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), which offers the following benefits:

  • Equipment cost reduction
  • Employee productivity expansion
  • Increased competitive edge
  • Decreased complications scaling up
  • Expanded security

Equipment Cost Reduction

An IT services provider in Atlanta that provides cloud-based BYOD solutions can eliminate the business’s need to purchase laptops for employee use. Additionally, there is a new service on the way that offers a different kind of DaaS–Device as a Service. Basically, end-user portals are “rented” just like the cloud. So, whether your business allows employees to provide their own laptops, or you use a desktop and device DaaS combination to float your network and diminish the expense of equipment in terms of servers and user portals, you will save money.

You don’t have to outsource server solutions to use BYOD. You will already save tens of thousands by “floating” the office, but if you do outsource your network to the cloud, you can double down on cost conservation. Keep in mind that employees who can work anywhere do not require you to maintain an office space for them, meaning you can save thousands every month on reduced rental/infrastructural maintenance as well.

Employee Productivity Expansion

When employees can choose their own hours and clock remotely, they don’t “milk” the clock. They only work when they have work to do, and they finish tasks more quickly. It’s a win-win for everybody.

Increased Competitive Edge

Decreased operational expenses combined with more productive employees hone the competitive edge of your business. Additionally, more and more companies are taking this approach, so lagging behind could cost you in the near future.

Decreased Complications Scaling Up

Through the double-DaaS, employee onboarding and company expansion can be as simple as:

  • Giving new hires a calendar of mandatory meeting events (if there are any)
  • Ensuring these individuals who they have represented themselves to be
  • Giving them access privileges to the network

Once the engine of your remote operation is running, all of these items only cost you time and not much of it. Scalability then becomes more simple.

Expanded Security

The prerogative of any MSP facilitating cloud computing or device support of the kind outlined here will offer excellent security. In fact, secure operations are a feature of their core concentration as a company. Accordingly, you can expect greater amounts of security than most internal options can effectively provide.

Remote Services Optimization

IT services in Atlanta through MIS Solutions can help you install such a remote infrastructure either entirely or in stages. Contact us now to find out how you can save thousands in a sustainable, regular way while seeing increases in both productivity and your business’ effectiveness overall.

Schedule a free 15-minute discovery call
We’ll discuss your IT requirements and assess whether we’re the right fit for you.


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