Finding a Qualified IT Services Provider in Atlanta To Protect Your Business From Cyber Attacks

Businesses without in-house tech support can protect themselves from cyber attacks by outsourcing to an experienced IT services provider in Atlanta. However, not all IT firms are equal. Some firms fall behind in skills and standards, making them a liability rather than an asset. Here are points to consider in the search for highly skilled technology consultants with your best interests in mind:

Shortage of Qualified Cybersecurity Personnel

A huge problem you must be aware of when it comes to cybersecurity is that there’s a shortage of qualified professionals who are up-to-speed with current security strategies. One way to tell is to ask a managed security firm in Atlanta if they’re aware of Intel’s January 2018 announcement of a security flaw; the flaw impacts most computers made since the 1990s, so any firm with up-to-date knowledge should be well aware of its implications. Similarly, if they’re unaware of the 2017 Equifax breach, that’s a definite red flag they aren’t keeping up with cybersecurity news.

Cisco reported that there are currently about a million cybersecurity job openings worldwide. Over a quarter million of these openings are in the USA. However, another report by ESG/ISSA suggests cybersecurity professionals are not getting sufficient training to understand how to deal with cyber threats. This situation is alarming when you consider many businesses must be compliant with government regulations to protect confidential data or face huge fines.

Necessary Skills for Preventing Cyberattacks

When you approach an IT services provider in Atlanta, be prepared to ask critical questions about the firm’s workforce credentials. Find out if all the technicians have proper IT certifications or if they also employ interns or apprentices working toward such certifications. Learning on the job is effective for many industries, but cybersecurity isn’t one of them. A provider more interested in making money than protecting data may try to cut corners on hiring talent to boost profits.

A highly-skilled cybersecurity expert understands the monumental importance of data loss prevention, especially for healthcare and financial firms dealing with enormous amounts of confidential data. Not only does an expert use best practices for data security, they also understand how to configure and manage firewalls and other security solutions. They must be very up-to-date on network monitoring software and enforcing security policies. Furthermore, they must be knowledgeable of cloud security techniques, including how to train employees in avoiding potential threats.

Protecting Others Using Your Network

A true cybersecurity authority understands business as well as technology. Placing a high priority on data protection is necessary for every business these days since a company that lacks modern security solutions can get wiped out with one cyber attack. They know breaches and downtime hurt reputations, so they make sure you employ as many proactive security measures as possible.

All it takes is one wrong click by an employee to introduce malware into a network, which is why it is important that the IT services provider in Atlanta you should choose must be a cybersecurity expert. Firms that stay on top of the latest security solutions give you the best data protection results. Contact us now at MIS Solutions, Inc. to learn how we can keep cybercriminals off your network so you can focus on your business.

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