IT Support in Atlanta Recommends Transitioning to a Remote Helpdesk

One of the most common recommendations made by experts of IT support in Atlanta is outsourcing your helpdesk.

When you had just a few employees, keeping your IT needs internal made some sense. Someone who could manage the limited number of users and computers without too much overtime. However, as your company has grown, your IT has grown with as well. You may have added one or two more IT people to handle your helpdesk needs. However, there comes a point where keeping it internal may not be the best option.

Using remote helpdesk support brings certain benefits that limited internal resources cannot. They include:

Faster Problem Solving

What happens if someone in your organization has a PC problem? It is common to submit a ticket and then wait for someone to come around to see what is going on. That can take hours if more than one person is having trouble.

With remote helpdesk support in Atlanta, that wait time is cut down dramatically. If a problem appears, the user calls the helpdesk and describes the problem. The technician logs into the desktop remotely to troubleshoot the problem. All of this takes only minutes. Moreover, it can happen 24/7 if needed.

Better Troubleshooting

PC problems can crop up due to actions that were taken by the user. With remote desktop support, the user can become involved with the troubleshooting process. The technician can ask questions about what happened and the user can even try to replicate the problem while the technician is watching.

The user often learns what went wrong and how to avoid it in the future. It also makes troubleshooting faster and more efficient.

Enhanced In-House Technician Productivity

Troubleshooting can take some time, especially if a problem occurs only after certain actions are taken. This can tie up your in-house personnel for long periods. That delays them from working on other problems and prevents them from doing any proactive tasks.

Having a remote desktop support technician deal with troubleshooting, your in-house support personnel can concentrate on activities that add value to your organization.

Detection of Ongoing Patterns

According to experts of IT support in Atlanta, some IT problems are random. They occur once or twice and then disappear. However, some IT problems keep coming up. In-house IT support personnel often get so busy with troubleshooting and problem solving that they often do not notice patterns of problems.

With remote desktop support, problems are documented and tracked. Over time, patterns can become apparent. This helps find core problems and fix them, lowering the number of issues being dealt with.

Enhanced Employee Productivity

When your employees are not waiting for an IT support person to become available to handle a PC problem, they can be more productive. As patterns of problems are found and corrected, your employees will have less downtime, which enhances productivity. Because they are not dealing with periodic PC problems, they are going to be happier, which makes them more productive.

If your company is growing fast and your IT people are struggling to keep things running, it may be time to outsource. To learn more, you need to talk with experts of IT support in Atlanta, MIS Solutions, Inc. Give us a call today.

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We’ll discuss your IT requirements and assess whether we’re the right fit for you.


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