Every now and then, businesses must examine a checklist to make sure that their managed IT services provider in Atlanta is competent and up-to-date. You need to forget about hurting people’s feelings if they’re hurting your business. Not all IT providers are in the business to help other businesses, so make sure you’ve chosen a reliable team. Here are some of the most important factors that should be on your IT checklist:
Size, Experience, and Services
The size of your provider’s company matters in the sense that they should have a staff large enough to accommodate all the services in which you’ve agreed upon. Small companies have certain advantages, such as treating you more personally than as a statistic, but you also need to make sure that the staff is well-trained with proper credentials. Furthermore, you need to make sure that their services match your technology needs.
Cost Considerations
One of the biggest factors that determine managed IT services in Atlanta is cost. Your budget will dictate which league of IT providers you can approach. Ideally, your budget isn’t so tight that it forces you to hire a new IT team that hasn’t yet resolved a wide variety of problems. The most helpful teams are the ones that troubleshoot quickly. It’s best to structure technology budgeting so that costs are predictable. Beware of companies that introduce surprises into the mix to pad their revenue.
Business Culture and Technology Compatibility
One of the signs of a reputable MSP is a consistent philosophy that shapes their schedules, tools, and business culture. It helps if their business culture integrates with yours. Think about how they communicate. Is it down-to-earth language that you can easily understand, or do they use complex industry jargon?
Some MSPs aren’t trained to understand that reaching a common ground is essential in developing a strong business relationship. The more seasoned providers make sure that they’re not talking over the heads of clients. Their services, equipment, and technical abilities must also fit your expectations.
Contractual Details and Time Frame
Before you spend time looking for a new provider, be sure to review your current MSP contract to see if you have an “out clause.” If your contact is up for renewal in the near future, it’s worth your time to look around for alternatives if you’re not satisfied with your current provider.
Time is on your side if you’re not locked into any long-term commitments. This situation will allow you to take your time in the hunt for the ideal provider. If your company needs to make a change right away, however, you still need to avoid rushing into a decision. Let candidates know your time frame, but don’t communicate that you’re desperate. Keep in mind that your company will benefit the most from a long-term relationship, for security and practical reasons. It’s an investment in both capital and trust.
When it’s time to evaluate your managed IT services provider in Atlanta, make sure that your decision considers a multitude of factors so that it’s an appropriate long-term fit. Contact us at MIS Solutions to discuss your technology needs, as we work to reduce headaches and maximize business efficiency.