Working with an IT Services Provider in Atlanta for COVID-19 Crisis Management

One way for a company to deal with the global COVID-19 pandemic to keep business activity flowing is to work with an IT services provider in Atlanta. While many firms have shut down indefinitely, those that work with IT experienced teams can run as remote operations, allowing employees to work from home. Here are ways your IT support provider can help you achieve business continuity:

Crafting Your Business Continuity Plan

Establishing a backup plan to ensure your company stays active during the crisis involves managing people, information, money and reputation. Every business is unique and must create its own business continuity management (BCM) plan that determines what happens in the event of an emergency. To establish a work-from-home program, an IT provider will first connect you and your employees to the cloud services, utilizing a centralized management software system.

Pandemic Issues with Suppliers

Preparing for future disruptions should include making a list of potential problems that suppliers might experience due to COVID-19. The pandemic has affected both supply and demand across countless industries. It has slowed down shipments for certain products while lower demand and reduced production. Studying a map of coronavirus shutdowns helps project trade with suppliers. If a vendor shuts down, you’ll need to decide on a replacement.

Remote Work

Your IT services provider in Atlanta can help you set up work-from-home operations. The key is to plan for the appropriate amount of bandwidth and VPN licenses. First, your IT provider will find out if each of your employees has their own laptop or other device to work on from home. Then they will set up data privacy policies that determine how confidential company data is accessed and stored. They will also train your employees on how to communicate with co-workers electronically and how to avoid nefarious emails.

Establish Procedures for Backup Plans

The best way to keep your operation running smoothly through a crisis is to be prepared for the worst. Each employee should know what steps to take if they become disconnected from your network. Your BCM needs to clearly communicate your company policies, how a crisis impacts your company and procedures during downtime. Ideally, your BCM prevents downtime by switching to a backup server if the utility power goes down.

Let employees know the essential technology they need to complete assignments and the procedures they must follow. Through online communication such as email, you will be practicing social distancing.


An IT services provider in Atlanta can help your business stay on top of awareness and preparedness during the COVID-19 outbreak. Creating work-at-home opportunities will maintain productivity. Contact us now at MIS Solutions, Inc. to learn more about technology solutions that ensure business continuity.

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