On-Site or Cloud ERP? Managed IT Services in Atlanta Can Help Determine Which is Best

Managed IT services firms in Atlanta can help you save costs in terms of technology overhead by guiding you to the best solutions for your business. You may be surprised at what your operational profile indicates is the best fit. This is especially true as pertains to cloud ERP as opposed to on-site ERP.

Cloud ERP Solutions

In terms of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, you could choose the cloud or go with an on-site solution. Many businesses, even smaller ones, find much benefit through the cloud. Here are some benefits to consider in that regard:

Everywhere Access, More Reliable Backup, Reduced IT Costs

IT services companies in Atlanta that provide cloud-based ERP make it so you can monitor operations wherever you’ve got a secure internet connection. Additionally, you can make the same changes you would at the office. In-house ERP will be restricted to your on-site intranet.

Additionally, the cloud can more securely backup both ERP data and that which is collected during normal network operations. Lastly, all these things can be automated through professional solutions, reducing IT costs over on-site options.

A Less Complicated Update Process

Managed IT services firms in Atlanta can help you apply automation to ERP through the cloud. Certain software updates can take place automatically. Additionally, you can determine operational thresholds, automatically updating when goals are met. Also, the ERP software itself can be updated automatically through the cloud with less hassle than doing so on-site.

Reduced Initial Expenditure

IT services experts in Atlanta assisting in cloud ERP are generally going to source solutions where you pay a monthly fee and have access to the software you need. Doing things on-site requires the purchase of costly software.

Is Cloud ERP Right for You?

Managed IT services in Atlanta through MIS Solutions can help you find cloud solutions in terms of ERP, allowing for everywhere access, automated software options like updates, better backup, IT cost reduction, and low up-front costs. Contact us to find more information on cloud ERP and whether this is right for your business.

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