IT Services in Atlanta: Components of an Effective Document Management

IT services providers in Atlanta have found out that most employees waste a lot of time trying to locate and retrieve documents. This, of course, lowers productivity. Business owners are advised to analyze their document management system as it can lead to wasted time, productivity, and lower sales. Here is how you can develop a good document management system:

Formulate a Document Infrastructure

First, look into the infrastructural needs before drawing your document management strategy. An intuitive and clear structure will ease the employee’s work of retrieving their documents but achieving one will dig into the infrastructure. Some infrastructural areas to look at include:

  • Seeking ideas from the employees
  • Evaluation of the roles, document categories, and needs
  • Aiming at an adaptable and organized system

Role and Role-Based Permissions Evaluations

There are certain businesses that need more regulations when it comes to data. Some information may be restricted to specific departments. There could be some classified information that you do not want certain people to access. Such includes:

  • Budgets
  • Company strategies
  • Research

Such information is classified and should be viewed only by the authorized parties. You may make them accessible to some people but as read-only documents so that they do not make any changes. You need to evaluate the permissions allocations to ensure that those that need the access get it.

Consistent Document Names

You need a consistent document naming strategy so that searches can work more effectively. IT services providers in Atlanta advocate for a document management system with a powerful search engine. When one types in a keyword, it will bring up the most relevant files and not hundreds of them, which you will need to go through before you find what you are looking for.

Document Retention and Update Policies

A good document management policy clearly stipulates how long a document should stay before it is updated or discarded. This prevents the occurrence where employees keep referring to outdated information or keep old unneeded documents, which only take up space which should otherwise be freed.

Document Security

Look at the data security measures put in your organization. If you have a BYOD type of environment, put measures to ensure the devices are safe. Install firewalls and other measures to ensure you are free from Trojans, viruses, and ransomware.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Ensure that you back up your files regularly and have a disaster recovery plan in case you face a disaster.

Document management is vital, and it is crucial to partner with an IT services provider in Atlanta like MIS Solutions, Inc.. Contact us now for more information on how to manage your documents effectively.

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We’ll discuss your IT requirements and assess whether we’re the right fit for you.


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