Florida native Rachel Gambale joined MIS Solutions in July 2016. She’s a numbers geek of sorts having received her Bachelor’s degree in Finance from Florida State University (although she is a Georgia Bulldog fan) and her MBA from Georgia College and State University. Most would describe this numbers-loving, problem-solving gal as shy. And she is. But don’t be fooled by her quiet demeanor. What is it they say about the quiet ones?
Rachel grew up in the small town of LaBelle, Fla. She and her husband of 13 years got hitched in Las Vegas and now live in Buford, Ga., with their three adorable boys Christopher, 12, Joey, 9 and Daniel, 8. Her weekends are filled with the boys sporting activities including lacrosse and gymnastics. Their Great Dane mix dog, Mocca, is a certified therapy dog which means Rachel gets to spend time cheering people up. Her family also fosters homeless dogs. The family fell in love with one of it’s fosters so they adopted her also. Although Penny is only 4 pounds, she has totally bonded with Mocca who weighs in at 100 pounds.
What’s the craziest/funniest/most outrageous thing you’ve ever done? (Editor’s note: we did not see this coming)
I’ve skydived, crowd surfed, rode my motorcycle wearing high heels, got knocked out at a rock concert after being hit in the face with a bottle and also jumped a ditch in my first car, a Toyota Corolla. I come off as being reserved but I’m actually pretty silly.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
As a glorified introvert, most people don’t know anything about me! But I love music, and although I haven’t picked it up in a while, I play guitar. Also, I’m not afraid of much but I do have a true phobia of being hit by a flying hubcap and having my legs cut off, so I hate to walk alongside a road where cars are flying by.
Favorite book?
Swan Song
Favorite Food?
Lasagna and ice cream (but not together)
Favorite Quote?
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
What does your typical day at MIS Solutions look like?
I maintain the accounts, take care of billing, licensing, payroll and some HR duties.
What’s the most fun thing about your job and why?
Numbers and problem-solving are my two favorite things.
What do you like to do for fun outside of work?
I like to read, cook and watch football. I also love the outdoors and staying active.